Deepraj Rakshit

Coder | AI and Cloud Aspirant | Open Source Enthusiast | Blogger

I'm Deepraj Rakshit and I'm currently an undergrad student in Information Technology with a prolific knowledge in Python, Kotlin, C, Java, Web Development, Google Cloud Platform, IBM Watson, Chatbot Development Microsoft Azure, and Arduino.

Work Experience

Campus Chapter Lead (Media & Outreach)


My main role is to to build a robust Competitive Programming culture on campuses and to help students become better problem solvers fostering learning and professional development. Along with this conducting different activities and engagements to achieve the mission, such as organizing events, meetups, workshops, contests, etc. was also a part of my job.

November 2020 - Present

Campus Business Manager


Working as a Campus Business Manager and is the representative of PrepBytes in my college. The main role is to ensure that students make the best use of PrepBytes' platform. The work demands circulation of PrepBytes' brand, products and services in my college. So, that it may help student to make the best use of PrepBytes' platform.

March 2020 - September 2020

Content Writer

Xpert App

Worked as a Content Writer and my role was to promote the app by writing new and unique content on their blog site. My job was to work in the spheres of content marketing, viral content creation, blogging platforms, and analytics.

July 2020 - August 2020

Internshala Student Partner


Worked as a Student Partner and is the representative of Internshala in my college. The work demands circulation of Internshala's brand, product and services in my college. So, that it may help student to make the best use of Internshala's platform.

December 2019 - March 2020

Technical Trainee (Cloud Computing)

Ardent Computech Pvt. Ltd.

Worked with the core cloud team and the main role was to learn and handle various Virtual Machines on a server along with all the components of Microsoft Azure. During this tenure I have implemented Azure IoT Hub to integrate IoT devices with the cloud.

June 2019 - July 2019


Calcutta Institute of Engineering and Management

Bachelor of Technology
Information Technology

CGPA: 8.2 (3rd Semester)

August 2018 - Present

Amrita Vidyalayam

Higher Secondary Education

CGPA: 7.5

April 2016 - May 2018

Amrita Vidyalayam

Senior Secondary Education

CGPA: 9.4

April 2011 - March 2016


Programming Languages
Tech Stack
  • Cloud Computing (Google Cloud Platform and Microsoft Azure)
  • IBM Watson
  • Networking Concepts
  • Web Development
  • Database Management (MySQL & Oracle)
  • GitHub and Git Bash
  • Android Studio
  • Software Development and Life Cycle
  • Dialogflow and Chatbot Essentials

Personal Projects

Azure Telemetry Service

IoT Hub is a managed service, hosted in the cloud, that acts as a central message hub for bi-directional communication between your IoT application and the devices it manages.

July 2019

Echo Music Player

Working App: Echo Music App

The project is done on Android Development Studio using Kotlin, Java and XML. This is a simple music app with all the regular functions like, stop, play, next, shuffle, loop, add to favorites buttons.

October 2019

Covid-19 Tracker

It's a Python GUI program made using Tkinter, Matplotlib, Covid modules of Python which shows the stats (Total Cases, Active Cases, Recovered, and Deaths) in a form of a Pie Chart of COVID-19 of the user given country.

September 2020

Python Translator

It's a Python program similar to Google Translator which detects the input language and translates it to the desired language selected by the User.

August 2020

To-Do App

It's a web-based prototype of a simple TODO application made using HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript. It can store, mark as complete, and delete the memos entered by the User.

September 2020

Typing Speed Test

It's a web-based Typing speed calculator made using HTML5 and JavaScript. It measures the typing speed of a user and display the speed, correct words and the accuracy of the User.

August 2020


Harvard Business Review Ascend (HBR Ascend)

HBR Ascend Select Member

HBR Ascend Select is an exclusive and an invite-only community of aspiring leaders, handpicked by HBR Ascend. As a member, I get the opportunity to share my views and opinions with the editorial, marketing and product teams of HBR Ascend. I also participate in various research projects led by HBR Ascend.

June 2020 - Present

International Association of Engineers (IAENG)

Member of IAENG Society of Artificial Technology

The International Association of Engineers (IAENG) is a non-profit international association for the engineers and the computer scientists. My Member ID is 261874.

May 2020 - Present

Mohammed Bin Rashid University of Medicine and Health Sciences (MBRU)

MBRU Community Immunity Ambassador

During the COVID-19 pandemic I took a pledge to become a MBRU Ambassador for health and immunity for the society.

April 2020 - Present


Member of IAENG Society of Artificial Technology

Palinoia-CIEM is the official Coding group of our college. It aims to help college students to gain different tech skills by conducting workshops, seminars, and many events.

October 2020 - Present

Awards & Certifications

  • Google Cloud Core Fundamentals - Google Cloud Certification
  • Applied AI - IBM Certification
  • Basics of Web Development and Coding - University of Michigan Certification
  • Building Conversational Experiences with Dialogflow - Google Certification
  • Code Yourself! An introduction to Programming - University of Edinburg Certification
  • Game Development using Pygame - GUVI Geek Network Certification
  • Digital Skills: Artificial Intelligence - FutureLearn Certification
  • SQL - 365 Data Science Certification
  • Git and GitHub - 365 Data Science Certification
  • Android App Development - Internshala Certification
  • Introduction to Programming using Python - Microsoft Technology Associate (MTA) Certification
  • 2nd Runnerup - Bournvita Quiz Competition (Interschool)